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Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health and well-being. Water is essential for carrying oxygen and nutrients to the cells, improving blood flow, aiding digestion, and protecting organs from damage and dehydration. However, many people tend to overlook the importance of drinking water as part of their daily routine.

According to The U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the average person needs to drink at least 3 liters of water per day to function properly. Failure to drink enough water can lead to dehydration, which can cause internal problems such as headaches, cramps, and sprains. People often mistake these symptoms as unrelated to their water intake, but they are actually telling of the body’s need for hydration.

What is the Best Temperature for Drinking Water?

The debate over whether warm or cold water is better for the human body has been ongoing for years. While some argue that drinking warm water is better for digestion and detoxification, others believe that cold water can boost metabolism and aid in weight loss. Here is a quick rundown of the benefits, risks, and recommended time of day for drinking each temperature:

TemperatureBenefitsRisksRecommended Time of Day
ColdCan increase metabolism, aid in weight loss, and prevent dehydration by lowering body temperature.Can cause digestive discomfort and slow down digestion.Best consumed during hot weather or after exercise.
WarmCan improve digestion, detoxify the body, and ease constipation.Can cause burns or scalds if too hot.Best consumed in the morning or before bed.

In summary, the best temperature for drinking water depends on individual preferences and circumstances. While cold water can be beneficial during hot weather or after exercise, warm water may be more suitable for improving digestion and detoxifying the body. It is important to always consider the risks and benefits of each temperature before consuming water.

Cold Water

When it comes to quenching thirst, nothing beats a glass of cool water. Drinking water is essential for replenishing the fluids in the body, especially after strenuous activities or exercise. Cold water is particularly helpful in cooling down the body temperature, which prevents excessive sweating and dehydration. Despite some claims that cold water is bad for health, there is little scientific evidence to support this notion. In fact, drinking any form of pure, clean water is good for the body. If drinking cold water helps people consume more water, it is not necessarily detrimental to health.

Benefits of Drinking Cold Water

Drinking cold water has several advantages, including:

  • Lowering body temperature: Cold water helps to cool down the body, making it an excellent post-workout drink or during hot summer months to combat heatstroke.
  • Boosting metabolism: Water has been proven to increase metabolism, which helps to burn an extra 70 calories each day. This is equivalent to walking for 15 minutes.
  • Preventing dehydration: Cold water lowers body temperature and prevents excessive sweating, thus preventing dehydration.
  • Fighting fever: Drinking cold water helps to keep the body hydrated and lower the body temperature, which helps to get rid of foreign invaders in the body when running a fever.

Risks of Drinking Cold Water

While drinking cold water has several benefits, it can also have adverse effects on digestion. The body contracts, shrinks, and slows down when drinking cold water, making the digestive process take longer than when drinking warm liquids. This could lead to indigestion, constipation, and other digestive issues. Additionally, cold water can also make stomach and abdominal cramps feel worse, as the abdomen tends to contract and stiffen, leading to a more painful feeling around the stomach area.

The Best Time to Drink Cold Water

According to experts, the best time to drink cold water is when trying to bring the body’s core temperature down, such as during exercise, when temperatures are high outside, or when running a fever. Drinking cold water during these times can help to lower body temperature and prevent dehydration.

Warm Water

Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

Drinking warm water can offer several benefits to your health. According to Chinese medicine and Ayurveda practices, drinking a glass of warm water first thing in the morning can significantly improve digestion. Warm water activates the digestive system, stimulates the flow of blood to your intestines, and helps prevent indigestion and constipation. Additionally, warm water helps detoxify your body by flushing out harmful toxins. It can also prevent skin issues like acne.

Drinking warm water can also help combat certain types of pain such as menstrual cramps, headaches, joint pains, and muscle sprains. By increasing the flow of blood to tissues, warm water can help alleviate pain.

Risks of Drinking Warm Water

While there are numerous benefits to drinking warm water, some people may find it unpalatable. However, there are ways to make warm water taste better, such as adding fruit or citrus to infuse flavor into the water and improve the taste. A popular recipe is warm honey lemon water, which provides a sweet and refreshing taste.

The Best Time to Drink Warm Water

One of the best times to drink warm water is in the morning. This helps kick-start your metabolism, so it functions at optimal levels throughout the day. Drinking warm liquids with your meals is also a good idea, as it helps keep everything fluid and protects your internal organs. Warm water also works to increase blood flow and boost overall circulation.

The Verdict

Ultimately, the temperature of water you drink is a matter of personal preference. While some people may prefer cold water due to its refreshing nature, others may prefer warm water due to its soothing effect. Regardless of your preference, the most important thing is to stay hydrated throughout the day.

It is worth noting that the temperature of water has very little impact on its health benefits. However, additives found in sugary drinks and canned juices can be harmful to your body. Therefore, it is advisable to opt for natural, unflavored water whenever possible.

In conclusion, maintaining an active lifestyle and drinking plenty of water is crucial for maintaining good health. Whether you prefer cold or warm water, the most important thing is to stay hydrated and avoid sugary drinks and canned juices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Benefits of Drinking Warm Water

Drinking warm water can have several benefits for the body. It can help in digestion, relieve constipation, and improve blood circulation. Warm water can also aid in weight loss by boosting metabolism and reducing appetite. It can also help in reducing stress and improving overall skin health.

Benefits of Drinking Cold Water for Skin

Cold water can help in reducing puffiness and redness of the skin. It can also help in tightening the pores, which can reduce the accumulation of dirt and oil. Drinking cold water can also help in improving blood circulation, which can give the skin a healthy glow.

Disadvantages of Drinking Cold Water in the Morning

Drinking cold water in the morning can have some disadvantages. It can slow down the digestion process, which can cause bloating and discomfort. Cold water can also cause the blood vessels to constrict, which can lead to a decrease in oxygen supply to the brain.

Is Cold Water Bad for Your Kidneys?

There is no evidence to suggest that drinking cold water is bad for the kidneys. In fact, drinking water, regardless of its temperature, is essential for kidney health. However, drinking very cold water can cause the blood vessels to constrict, which can reduce blood flow to the kidneys.

Does Drinking Cold Water Increase Weight?

Drinking cold water does not directly lead to weight gain. However, it can help in weight loss by boosting metabolism and reducing appetite. Drinking cold water can also help in burning more calories, as the body needs to work harder to warm up the water to body temperature.

Healthiest Temperature to Drink Water

The healthiest temperature to drink water is room temperature. This is because drinking water that is too hot or too cold can have some negative effects on the body. Room temperature water is easily absorbed by the body and can help in maintaining the body’s natural balance.

Overall, it is important to stay hydrated, regardless of the temperature of the water. Drinking water can have several benefits for the body, and it is essential for maintaining good health.

Picture of Alex


Alex is a water connoisseur with 6 years of experience in the beverage industry. As a Cal State Long Beach alumni with a marketing major, she knows how to sell a product like nobody's business. When she's not busy crafting the perfect marketing campaign, you can find her enjoying the great outdoors. Just don't ask her to share her secret hiking spots - that is classified info!